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Publisher:Gyratory screener, Rotex screen Date:2015-07-08 14:14
Mega Young Screening Technology Co.,Ltd is professional on particle size separation. For severial years the rectangular vibrating gyratory  separator has been the standard for making precise separations, wet or dry, coarse or fine. Ideal for segregating dry materials into various particle sizes, as many as  four decks can be incorporated in one  gyratory Separator for simultaneous classification into five fractions. 

For higher capacity dry applications, the M&Y rectangular gyratory screens provide accurate separations from 25mm to 150µ. With the acquisition of Ecutec, M&Y offers complete turnkey solutions for classifying, coating and grinding of fine and ultra-fine powders down to 75µ.  M&Y screening Technology serves the food, chemical, pharmaceutical, paper, minerals and many other industries with a wide array of products, each tailored with precise specifications for the individual customer.
Copyright: Mega Young Screening Technology Co.,Ltd           Mobilephone+86-13781913175 Phone:+86-373 5633066 Fax:+86-373 3045038 info@megayoungscreener.com
gyratory rectangular screening separation machinery