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Publisher:Gyratory screener, Rotex screen Date:2018-10-16 10:14
Gyratory Vibrating Screen For Suga
If gyratory vibrating screen is made from stainless steel, it could screening sugar material very well.
Compare the other vibrating model screen equipment, the gyratory vibrating screen main feature is that low frequency and large stroke on one almost horizontal plane, it could make sure that mesh aperture size is much more near to the size of sugar that you need, the screening precision will be much higher.
Then compare the linear vibration model screener, the gyratory model screen will be larger capacity than same mesh area linear vibrating screener.

gyratory vibrating screen
Copyright: Mega Young Screening Technology Co.,Ltd           Mobilephone+86-13781913175 Phone:+86-373 5633066 Fax:+86-373 3045038 info@megayoungscreener.com
gyratory rectangular screening separation machinery