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Publisher:Gyratory screener, Rotex screen Date:2018-06-14 17:23
Vibration screens for perlite screening  
Our gyratory vibration screen equipment has been applicated in perlite industry successfully over two years, this set screener the sixth set screener that one customer order, the custome have order 5 sets such model screener for perlite screening in their perlite factory.
The following picture is that we load the vibrating gyratory screens into the container and waiting for exporting.
perlite screening and grading equipment
Copyright: Mega Young Screening Technology Co.,Ltd           Mobilephone+86-13781913175 Phone:+86-373 5633066 Fax:+86-373 3045038 info@megayoungscreener.com
gyratory rectangular screening separation machinery