Publisher:Gyratory screener, Rotex screen Date:2015-07-10 15:18
Many types are used to isolate vibration trasmittal from vibrating screens and to direct the line of motion, absorb shock loads, transmit and limit stroke , maintain tesnion such as:
COIL SPRINGS: most common type of spring used to support the load and absorb shock
LEAF SPRINGS: are used most often to direct the line of action
AIR SPRINGS: are sued in place of coil springs. These inflatable rubber springs (similar to those of transport truck chassis) are used to reduce vibrations and NOISE. They can be made harder or softer by regulating air pressures.
SOLID RUBBER SPRINGS: can be mounted in shear or in vertical loading position and perform the same function as coil or air springs. DO NOT RUST, QUIET OPERATING, GREAT WHEN WATER is part of the process. Typical outlast coil springs (most economical) and to the tune of many times more than steel coil springs in practical installations in the field
ROSTA MOUNTS: another expensive yet, wonderful product which eliminates coil springs, dissipates the vibration from going down the vertical line of the coil spring and into the structure. The ROSTA actually pumps like a scissor type action and the inertia of shutdown is eliminated substanstially in the horizontal plane and reducing SHUTDOWN BOUNCE, SHOCK LOADING TO STRUCTURE to near zip all.