M&Y Gyratory screener could spread sugar material flow evenly on the screener mesh with good screening result
Our M model series screener and MHG series gyratory screens has been applicated in sugar industry successfully.
For screening sugar, it include sugar scalping and sugar fines removing and grading, the customer mainly use the gyratory screens for sugar scalping and fines removing because its high screening pricision and big capacity for little bulk particle material.
The gyratory screens with little inclind slop, so the aperture size of the mesh on horizontal level is much more near the actual mesh aperture size, so the screening pricision for sugar is much higher than other high inclind angle screener.
And about the capacity, the gyratory screens could spread the sugar flow bed evenly on the screening equipment mesh surface, and the material motion speed is higher than the other horizontal vibrating screener, so the capacity for screening sugar become higher.